
My current research focuses on lattice-based post-quantum cryptographic schemes, exploring improvements in bandwidth and optimizations for practical deployment. I am also interested in theoretical aspects, particularly the provable security of these schemes and the hardness of lattice problems, to ensure robust protection against future quantum threats.

In the past, I have been involved in research projects on topics such as discrete mathematics and computer architecture and systems.


  1. sd.png
    On the Existence of Balanced Generalized de Bruijn Sequences
    Bhumika Mittal, Haran Mouli, Eric Tang, and 1 more author
    In Discrete Mathematics, 2023

in review

  1. SEAL-ME: Secure, Energy-Efficient Accelerator Design for Language Models
    Tom Glint, Bhumika Mittal, Santripta Sharma, and 3 more authors


  1. The Fibonacci Sequence: A Comprehensive Review
    Bhumika Mittal, Shamli Manasvi, Satya Sreevani Bh, and 1 more author