
Curated list of resources based on my experiences

Undergrad Architecture Mentoring Workshop (uArch)

I was fortunate enough to attend uArch 2024, a day-long workshop focused on informing students about graduate studies, particularly in computer architecture and the application process for grad school. I documented the advice shared during the various sessions, which I believe is valuable and worth learning from. My intention in drafting this is to share these insights in the hope that they will help other applicants. If you have any suggestions or spot any inaccuracies, please write to me at

How to write papers and give talks that people can follow?

This document is a summary of the talk by Derek Dreyer on how to write papers and give talks that people can follow at CMMRS 2024. I absolutely loved the talk and found it very insightful and practical.

Cryptography Notes

These are my notes on cryptography, which I’ve started to compile as I study the subject. I keep adding to it as I learn more, so it’s a work in progress. If you have any comments, suggestions, typo fixes, etc., please feel free to email me.

Coming soon